LEarn to KNit
Knitting not only stimulates mental activity but also builds muscle memory — both of which keep your mind and body sharp! Best of all, at the end of your efforts you’ll have a beautiful piece of work to show off or wear!
Learning how to knit the Switch, Twigg, or Regular stitch may initially require some concentration. But later, whether knitting alone or in company, you’ll soon find that you can talk or watch TV without missing a beat (or dropping a stitch).
Whether you are totally new to knitting or learning a new stitch, I hope the Beginner videos and illustrations here will launch your love of knitting. They are totally free of charge and with no commitment required — just my gift to you, given in the spirit of gratitude for what my mum gave to me.
If you are completely new to the craft, it might be best to start with regular knitting and proceed from there.
This free online teaching includes chapter 1–3 of the Switch stitch course, taught by Vicki:
- Introduction to Switch stitch
- Recommended materials
- Learn the basics
Twigg Stitch
This free online teaching includes chapter 1–3 of the Twigg stitch course, taught by Vicki:
- Introduction to Twigg stitch
- Recommended materials
- Learn the basics
Regular knitting
This free online teaching includes the entire Regular knitting course, taught by Vicki:
- Introduction to Regular knitting
- Recommended materials
- Cast On methods
- Cast Off methods
- Knitting Basics
- Fixing mistakes
A simple subscription of $5 per month gives you access to the entire Switch stitch course, taught by Vicki. Chapters include:
- Introduction to Switch Stitch
- Recommended materials
- Learn the basics
- Cast On methods
- Cast Off methods
- Stitch patterns
- Increases & decreases
- Correcting mistakes
Twigg STItch
A simple subscription of $5 per month gives you access to the entire Twigg stitch course, taught by Vicki. Chapters include:
- Introduction to Twigg Stitch
- Recommended materials
- Learn the basics
- Cast On methods
- Cast Off methods
- Stitch patterns
- Increases & decreases
- Correcting mistakes
Subscriptions and Online teaching.
Following the successful launch of our site, Vicki is now available for individual and group online consultations. Please follow the Live Teaching link in the footer of any page of the website to book a session.
The fee for an online individual session is $25 for subscribers, and $50 for non-subscribers.
Classes (two hours, maximum five attendees) are charged at $20 with a $5 discount for subscribers.
Subscribers will obtain a discount coupon for online teaching at the reduced price.
(Teaching discounts run on an honor system. To obtain a discount, your subscription should be for a minimum of four months).