chapter 1
introduction to regular knitting
Here you will find videos of regular knitting to help you get started or to explore further in the world of knitting.
Some videos show well known ways of doing things, and some are things I’ve worked out for myself (it’s amazing what you can come up with if you are trying to avoid a particular ‘chore‘ in your knitting).
Let me know if there is anything you would like to see added as a video lesson.
Chapter 2
If you are learning to knit from scratch, you should choose a fairly smooth yarn (it’s not so easy to see what you are doing with specialty fuzzy or loopy yarn). Using a lighter colored yarn often helps.
Knitting yarn comes in many different fibers, ask a knitter friend or someone in a store for info about them. Some are easier to handle than others when you are learning.
Needles also come in a wide variety. There's a recommended size of needle to go with the yarn you're using. The information is often on the yarn label or 'ball band'. It’s not necessary to spend a fortune to get needles that will work well, however if you find you are fighting with your tools then try a different type. The stitches should slide easily along them.
chapter 3
Cast on methods
In the beginning...
"Casting On" is how you get started. Here's where you'll learn how to put stitches onto your needle, creating the foundation for your work.
If you're new to knitting, a Long Tail cast on is a great way to get started.
Beyond that, it's about how you want it to look, and how stretchy it needs to be.
A "provisional" cast on.
Sometimes patterns call for a "provisional" cast on so that (when you have done some or all of your knitting) you can turn your piece around, undo the cast on, pick up the stitches along the lower edge and knit in the other direction. Alternatively, you can use these stitches to add a decorative edge or border.
chapter 3: video 1
chapter 3: video 2
Longtail left handed
chapter 3: video 3
2 color ribbed longtail
chapter 3: video 4
Crochet Chain ("provisional")
Chapter 4
Cast off methods
Casting off, (or Binding off if you're using US English) is the way you finish the top edge of your knitting. There are many ways of doing this, your choice depends on the effect you want to achieve; (once again, how you want it to look, and how stretchy it needs to be).
Chapter 4: video 1
Vicki's Special
chapter 5
Knitting basics
The basics are Knit and Purl stitches. After you cast on, you begin to build up a knitted fabric in rows, making a series of stitches in each row, then turning around and coming back.
Knit stitches are the easiest to make, and a purl stitch is the reverse of a knit stitch (or a knit stitch seen from the other side).
'English' style knitting means holding the yarn in your right hand. This is also sometimes called 'American' or 'Throwing' style.
'Continental' style knitting (sometimes called 'picking') means holding the yarn in your left hand.
Both these techniques produce the same result (neither is better); so it's a matter of preference.
A Rib is a fabric made by alternating knit and purl stitches along each row. You make 'columns' (or 'Ribs') by stacking the same kinds of stitch on successive rows.
Chapter 5: video 1
Knit stitch: English
Chapter 5: video 2
Knit stitch: continental
chapter 5: video 3
Purl stitch: English
chapter 5: video 4
Purl stitch: Continental
chapter 5: video 5
Rib stitch: English
Chapter 5: video 6
Rib stitch: Continental
chapter 6
Fixing mistakes
Everybody makes mistakes. Here we'll cover some of the most common.